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Companies engaged by ETA partners


Bank of America


Boston Consulting Group






Morgan Stanley





Schneider Electric


Standard Chartered Bank


Trane Technologies



Quotes from companies

Karen Fang, Global Head of Sustainable Finance

Bank of America

“We prioritize emission mitigation in our approach to Net Zero, but we also recognize the important role that high-integrity carbon credits can play in reducing global emissions while scaling capital for a just transition, particularly in emerging markets. These credits can scale faster if they can be used by companies to address emissions across their value chain, for a limited percentage of Scope 1 and 2 emissions and a meaningful percentage of scope 3 emissions. The ETA program will help develop this market by providing a framework for companies to incorporate ETA credits in renewable energy as part of their corporate climate strategies. We hope the program can expand into nature based solutions to increase scale and applicability even further.”

Quotes from other institutions, NGOs, and independent experts

Ajay Banga, President
World Bank

"At the global level, the Bank, through initiatives like Scaling Climate Action by Lowering Emissions, is partnering with the Energy Transition Accelerator, to remove the most critical impediments for carbon market expansion, including setting standards, and supporting countries access more affordable finance by helping them set up the necessary infrastructure to connect to a global market." 
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